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Nuffield College, University of Oxford
1 New Road, OX1 1NF
Oxford, United Kingdom
On education systems:
Education systems and central functions of schooling (with Herman G. van de Werfhorst, Thijs Bol, Jaap Dronkers, Mark Levels, and Rolf van der Velden)
Public attitudes towards vocational education systems
Education as social policy: interdisciplinary perspectives (with Heike Solga)
On employers and the hiring process:
Ethnic penalties in the British labour market (with Anthony Heath)
Gender discrimination in the labour market (with Klarita Gërxhani and Stephanie Steinmetz)
The motherhood penalty in the labour market: employers' perspectives (with M.José González and Klarita Gërxhani)
Making a space for employers (with David Bills and Klarita Gërxhani

In December 2012, Valentina was selected to join CIDER, an international network of postdoctoral researchers engaged in interdisciplinary research on education.
Within this network, Valentina is supervised by Heike Solga at the Berlin Social Science Research Centre (WZB).
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